Methods that do not block but that still may take a long time to execute can respect requests for interruption by polling the interrupted status and return early if interrupted. 对于中断请求,不阻塞但是仍然要花较长时间执行的方法可以轮询中断状态,并在被中断的时候提前返回。
When a blocking method detects interruption and throws InterruptedException, it clears the interrupted status. 当一个阻塞方法检测到中断并抛出InterruptedException时,它清除中断状态。
Interruption and clock control process analysis of chromatograph periodically, current process status is monitored continually and alarmed. 中断和实时钟控制色谱仪以一定的运行周期对组分成分循环分析。监测控制不断监测仪器当前的工作状态,并进行事故报警。
Furthermore, reduction or even interruption of the working-class income, contributed to a result of the deterioration of personal health status, diseases associated with poverty. 工薪阶层收入的减少或中断,又直接导致个人健康状况的恶化,疾病伴随着贫困而生。